Read a Query from .sql File

A minimal example showing how to read the contents of an .sql file and execute the query from R


October 9, 2024

So, I typically write SQL queries directly in R as strings because I often want to pass function arguments to them, e.g.

make_query <- function(year) {
    ret <- paste("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE year = " year)

But sometimes I find it easier to just write a canned query in a .sql file, often when I’m using that query in another non-R program, or when I need one “true” query that gets passed around to various other applications. If we need to read this into R, we just need a combination of paste() and readLines().

Imagine we have the following query in my_query.sql

FROM my_table

And then we want to read that query in and execute it in R. We would just do:


con <- dbConnect(
    #specify arguments here to connect to your DB

qry <- paste(readLines("my_query.sql"), collapse = "\n")

res <- dbGetQuery(con, qry)

And that will do it!